Sunday 23 January 2011

Saturday 22 January 2011

Pushing Daisies

I love Daisies. I love American TV series's (is series's the plural to series?) I had heard of Pushing Daisies. I knew Anna Friel was in it, but that is basically all I knew about it.

The other day the boyfriend and I went for dinner with his mum and Pushing Daisies came up whilst we were discussing favourite TV programmes. It turned out Axl (my boyfriend) has the 2 seasons and hadn't watched them either! Yeahy!

After what was a very heavy night out on the Cowley Road strip with MANY a beverage consumed, coupled with the 2 of us both having a day off on Friday (he had no college, I am temporarily out of work; we sat down to watch it.

And, oh... how great it is! We watched the 1st whole season in a day. I was squealing with delight, it's very romantic. I can't believe it was cancelled after the 2nd season and didn't even make it over here! What is up with that?!

We're saving season 2 for another wasted but un-wasted day.

Hello and welcome!

Hello everyone,
So... here is my new blog. A work in progress no doubt. I have been trying to get it together for the best part of a whole day. I tired hosting it on other sites - wordpress and typepad, but they both left my head swimming, so I have gone back to the 'old faithful'.
Hope you enjoy it and I will be blogging as much as Genevieve possible!
Genny x